Hi Guys!
If you have any doubt in your mind regarding cash or Credit Transaction. Then, you have read this blog and view my new Educational video.
Here I want to share the link of my new Educational video that provide you basic rules of identifying Cash and Credit Transaction in Journal Entry.
First of all we just take a brief description of Cash and Credit Transaction.
Meaning of Cash Transaction: A cash transaction is a transaction where payment is settled immediately. Or If you buy something from a seller and pay immediately then it's a cash Transaction.
Meaning of Credit Transaction: payment for a credit transaction is settled at a later date. In other Words if we buy something from a person and gives promise to him to pay after some days at a particular date, then it's a Credit Transaction.
So, for getting knowledge about the Basic rules, you have to view my video and I really hope that this will solve all your queries regarding cash or Credit Transactions.
And, here is the Link:
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#How to Identify A Cash and Credit Transaction.
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