Tuesday, January 12, 2021

How To Differentiate between Cash And Credit Transactions while doing Journal Entry.


Hi Guys!

       If you have any doubt in your mind regarding cash or Credit Transaction. Then, you have read this blog and view my new Educational video.

Here I want to share the link of my new Educational video that provide you basic rules of identifying Cash and Credit Transaction in Journal Entry.

First of all we just take a brief description of Cash and Credit Transaction.

Meaning of Cash Transaction: A cash transaction is a transaction where payment is settled immediately. Or If you buy something from a seller and pay immediately then it's a cash Transaction.

Meaning of Credit Transaction: payment for a credit transaction is settled at a later date. In other Words if we buy something from a person and gives promise to him to pay after some days at a particular date, then it's a Credit Transaction.

So, for getting knowledge about the Basic rules, you have to view my video and I really hope that this will solve all your queries regarding cash or Credit Transactions.

And, here is the Link:


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#How to Identify A Cash and Credit Transaction.

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